Qatar has come in Group A of two indices, namely Public Service Delivery Index (PSDI) and GovTech Enablers Index (GTEI), according to the World Bank report titled ‘GovTech Maturity Index: The State of Public Sector Digital Transformation’.
It has also ranked in Group B in terms of ‘high significant focus on GovTech’ with respect to two indices, namely Core Government Systems Index (CGSI) and Citizen Engagement Index (CEI), as outlined in the same report issued by the World Bank.
The report comprises a comprehensive overview of the development achieved in economies of 198 world countries with respect to their digital service delivery, and they are classified into four categories based on GovTech maturity.
The report provides a global glimpse on GovTech, in addition to different examples of practices and guidelines to use technology in the public sector services. It is also based on 48 key indicators and divided into four indices, which are Core Government Systems Index (CGSI): It measures the government approach towards digital transformation by checking e-services, enterprise architecture, information and financial management systems.
Public Service Delivery Index (PSDI): It unveils file transfer and tax return submission services, e-payment means, among others. Citizen Engagement Index (CEI): It measures citizen participation and the presence of means to find out about their opinions, in addition to easing their use of government portals.
GovTech Enablers Index (GEI): It is measured through unveiling the institutions and laws of a government, as well as its digital skills and launch of innovative programs to promote government technologies.
The World Bank evaluates the performance of countries worldwide in terms of digital transformation and GovTech maturity based on four groups (A, B, C and D). Whereas Group A represents the countries with an extremely high significant level in GovTech maturity and adoption of public sector digital transformation, Group B represents the countries that have achieved a high level in GovTech maturity and adoption of public sector digital transformation.
Among the key impacts in the GovTech Maturity Index is the wide spread of COVID-19; the matter which resulted in the isolation of so many people in their homes and affected the regular work practices of governments all around the world.
This crisis has also unveiled the urgent need for adopting the latest technologies to promote good administration that is based on simplicity and efficiency to meet citizens’ needs.