Tuesday evening saw the stylish launch of much anticipated Shop Qatar 2020 with a fashion and entertainment event held at Barahat Msheireb. The fashion show blended opulence and tradition in a distinctly Qatari manner. This is the fourth edition of Shop Qatar and it is already touted to be a busy month ahead. The amazing event is supported by Qatar National Tourism Council to enrich the country’s tourism offerings.
Source 1 : Marhaba
The opening of the 3-week festival was initiated with by Qatar’s own Hind Al Rumaihi, followed by the avant garde stylings of French fashion collective Faith Connexion, in a nod to the Qatar-France Year of Culture. There was also a traditional Chinese lion show, which symbolizes good fortune and it completed the beautiful cross-cultural experience of the event. Many important people marked their attendance at the launch including foreign diplomats, government officials and private sector leaders along with the festival’s host and partner organisations.
Source 2 : Marhaba
H.E Akbar Al Baker, Secretary General of QNTC and GCEO of Qatar Airways spoke positively at the event: “This edition of Shop Qatar will combine cultural authenticity with luxury and showcase our world-class retail and entertainment offerings in style. From haute couture designers, to globally renowned artists and entertainers, Shop Qatar brings the world to our country. With almost 30 events and activations, held over 3 weeks, we will present offerings from France, the home of art and fashion to the best of the Middle East and Asia and then end on a high note with China where a host of immersive celebrations will usher in a Chinese New Year, marking our commitment to one of the largest visitor source markets in the world.”
Source 3 : The Peninsula
With the first week, Shop Qatar promises multiple offers for people enthusiastic of retail, entertainment and culture, including in-mall musical entertainment. There is much family and children’s entertainment promised with shows of Masha & the Bear as well as Shaun the Sheep. Disney in Concert with the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra will also be an interesting attraction. Aspiring makeup artists can learn from the best and shoppers will have 70 per cent off at all the malls participating in the Shop Qatar 2020. Along with this, there will be cash prizes of up to 2 million QAR across 12 malls and retail partners as well as a platform for local and regional designers, with fashion shows throughout the festival as well as makeup masterclasses with celebrity artists and influencers. There is also going to be live music concerts featuring renowned Pakistani and Indian artists will take audiences to Asia, with a week of Chinese New Year celebrations ending the festival.