Olive Suno Radio Network which went on air on 5th Nov 2017 has rocked the air waves for fantastic 4 years and now is celebrated it with a grand celebration!
With a population of 3 million, there is someone who wants to hear something positive every second.
Millions of people sit at their desks, waiting for that one update.
Millions of people sing along as they drive.
Millions have joined despite different religion
Million await their favorite host.
Millions wait in the kitchen to hear their favorite song.
Millions await a happy start to their day
Millions wait for a chance to smile.
And the unstoppable wave completed 4 year & has proven to be your best & favorite Hindi station in Qatar.
As a part of the grand celebration this time, the entire team of Olive Suno Radio Network flies to Dubai to attend Dubai Expo 2020 with its listeners.