106.3 FM Radio Olive hosted the winners of Dandy Gift Hamper at the Olive Suno Radio Network Office premises on 6th August. For the Indo-Qatar Year of culture Dandy has come up with a Spiced Butter Milk or Masala Chaas. The launch of this new drink was celebrated with Radio Olive family of RJs and listeners. RJs described the importance and health benefits of spiced buttermilk on radio. To make the occasion even bigger Dandy and Radio Olive together decided to give chosen listeners the taste of this newly launched product and along with an array of great products from the brand. This was extensively done on Radio Olive and Radio Jockeys also came Live on Facebook to show off  Dandy hamper for listeners of Radio Olive.

For 2 extensive weeks Radio Olive RJs and listeners had a great time playing quizzes about Dandy and its Spiced Butter Milk. The interaction was a lot of fun and chosen listeners got to win a massive gift hamper by Dandy. This hamper had products like Spiced Butter Milk along with Vitalis Laban and Yoghurt, New Taste Yoghurt, Flavored Yoghurt Assorted, Flavored Milk, Flavored Laban, Bon Bon Icecream assorted flavors, juices and lots more. The hamper could be won On-Air as well on Radio Olive’s digital platform. Listeners participated with enthusiasm and the response was massive.

Finally on the 6th August, all the winners On-Air and Digital platform were invited to receive the Dandy Gift Hampers and celebrate with the Radio Olive RJs. Almost 30 winners along with their family and friends were present at the venue of Radio Olive office where they were handed over the huge Dandy gift hamper. RJs and winners had a lot of fun as they posed for pictures and interacted with the Radio Olive family.

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