Indian Community Benevolent Forum (ICBF), under the patronage of Embassy of India, Qatar had inaugurated a Legal Clinic by H E P Kumaran, the Ambassador of India to Qatar at Integrated Indian Community Centre (IICC), Al Thumama.
The legal Clinic is aimed at supporting the Indian expats who are in need of legal assistance, especially for the workers who don’t have means to receive proper legal help or hire a lawyer. The legal clinic is being operated by Kocheri & Partners Legal Consultants, who are providing legal consultancy in Qatar for past many years.
Representing Kocheri & Partners Mr. Nizar Kocheri, Chairman and representing ICBF, P N Baburajan, President signes the memorandum of understanding in the presence of H E P Kumaran. The free consultation service will be provided every third Thursday from 5PM onwards at ICBF office at IICC, Thumama. Any Indian national in need of legal assistance can walk in to have the legal guidance.
Mr. S.R.H. Fahmi, the First Secretary at the Embassy of India and Coordinating officer, ICBF, Â Â Ms. Sona Soman, the 3rd Secretary at the Embassy of India also attended the inauguration ceremony.
Dr Nizar Kochery explained about the intention as this is part of humanitarian service he has been doing for many years as he provide such assistance to many other communities too. H E P Kumaran applauded the efforts of ICBF to start the legal clinic and expressed that this is the need of the hour as many people are in need of legal assistance, which is a costly affair that many cannot afford. He hoped that the legal clinic would be able to provide initial legal help for people in need for all types of cases where community members are involved.
ICBF shall as part of the Legal Clinic shall provide legal awareness sessions to community members, so they are aware of the law of the land and prevent themselves from landing in troubles. Community leaders and members of community who were present applauded the efforts of ICBF in starting such a new initiative to support the needy.
Santosh Kumar Pillai delivered the welcome address and conducted the proceedings and Mahesh Gowda, Vice President proposed vote of thanks. And the inauguration ceremony was coordinate by ICBF managing committee members. There was a question answer session by the community at the end of the function to clarify about the scope of Legal clinics and H E P Kumaran and Adv Nizar Kocheri spend time with people who came seeking legal assistance during the opening day itself.